AgriAdapt helps farmers and those who provide inputs and work in processing, storage, transport and distribution to understand and face these challenges.
The adaptation resources in this site is a beta version and only includes adaptations for rice and cotton in India
The AgriAdapt research team identified adaptation resources for the rice and cotton value chains globally, with a special focus on India. We delved into primarily English language literature from 2009 to 2024 to provide an overview of potential adaptation measures for these target value chains. We included both peer reviewed resources and non-peer reviewed information such as reports, working papers, videos and government agency guidance.
We found few peer-reviewed studies on adaptation beyond the farm level – a data gap that suggests the need for further research on adaptation measures for value chain nodes other than production.
Our partners in India, the National Agro Foundation and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, supported the development of this feature by contributing to the resource list and facilitating stakeholder engagement to gather feedback on design and content.
WRI does not endorse specific practices. Instead, this menu provides information to help inform decision-making and to direct users to additional information on adaptation options.
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Select a value chain node
Select climate risks
Browse through adaptation resources
In this latest update to AgriAdapt since its beta launch in October 2022, project staff have responded to feedback from users by adding an adaptation “menu” to better support our ultimate goal of enhancing the climate resilience of people working in the most vulnerable parts of these supply chains.
The Adaptation Resources page connects climate risks to relevant adaptation resources on the platform, bridging the gap between the climate risk data AgriAdapt provides and potential interventions.