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How can those who depend on agricultural value chains understand climate risks and build resilience?

How can those who depend on agricultural value chains understand climate risks and build resilience?

AgriAdapt is a free platform that makes it easier to understand the challenges agricultural value chains face and learn about options to build resilience.

Reliable, verified information to understand climate risks and build the resilience of agricultural value chains.

AgriAdapt delivers free global climate risk information to assist stakeholders in agricultural value chains to adapt to climate change.

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AgriAdapt also offers more specific information tailored to select value chains

Learn more about how climate change affects the value chains of the following crops

Learn more about adaptation resources for the value chains of the following crops

Quick Start!

Begin exploring climate threats to select agricultural value chains with these data recommendations from our specialists.

Learn more about the project

AgriAdapt is an initiative of the World Resources Institute. This beta version of the tool is funded by the Walmart Foundation.

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